Jenna Jameson hefur lést um 27 kg

Jenna Jameson (44) sagði frá því á Instagram að hún hefði þyngst eftir að hún varð edrú. Hún fór í hormónameðferð til að verða ófrísk að dóttur sinni, Batelli, og hafði það líka mikil áhrif á þyngd hennar.

Jenna hefur verið á Ketó mataræði í 5 mánuði og hefur misst við það um 27 kg.

Sjá einnig: Ketó mataræði – hvað er það?

Í færslu sinni á Instagram talaði hún líka um hvað hefði staðið í vegi fyrir því að hún grenntist, til að byrja með. Það hafi verið ótti við að mistakast.

„Ég reyndi hvað eftir annað að sannfæra sjálfa mig um að ég væri ánægð með mína „nýju“ stærð en ég var það ekki“

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Let’s talk about fear. I think one aspect of fear that we all trip over is fear of failure. This was the major component in my procrastination on getting healthy after having Batel. I kept trying to convince myself I was ok with my “new” size. I wasn’t. It really was fear of failing. I was so afraid I couldn’t reach my goals like I was so accustomed to, I just told myself “why bother?”. I conquered sobriety, but that came with a whole set of new issues… actually FEELING my feelings. Raw, painful feelings. I ate. Then suddenly I was on big brother and people all said I “got fat”. UGH. Sobriety was more important to me, so I pushed forward and kept on track. We then decided to do ivf for Batelli. The cocktail of hormones pushed me up to 160. Then pregnancy. I hit 205 at 39.5 weeks. My head swam with joy and comfort. I expected the weight to fall off with breastfeeding. That would be a big NO. I dropped to 187 and stayed there. I ignored it and put every ounce into mothering my sweet girl. Well here we are, folks… Batelli is 17 months and I’m 123. I did it. So to finish up this long ass post, just know it’s normal to fear failing at losing your weight… but if you don’t try, you’ll never know the utter triumph when you do achieve your goals. #ketotransformation #beforeandafterweightloss #bodytransformation #bodypositive #fearoffailure #beforeandafter #ketodiet #fitmom #healthylifestyle #sober #soberlife #intermittentfasting

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Ugh. I almost chickened out on posting this before image of me. This is me at my heaviest, probably around 187 maybe more. More than likely more. I asked my hubby to shoot a elbow up pic for a pro breastfeeding pic for IG. I don’t even know what to say, other than I’m so sorry to my body. Moving on. Let’s talk what a day of eating looks like for me on the 1 day I don’t practice #intermittentfasting I wake up with Batel around 7 am. I immediately chug 1-2 cups of coffee (regular instant) with a scoop of coconut oil and a splash of sugar free creamer (can’t stop won’t stop) In about an hour I make 3 scrambled eggs with mushrooms and a handful of Mexican mixed shredded cheese. I cut an avocado and take half. I then put Batel down for her nap at noon and work on my poshmark until she wakes at 2:30-3:00. I’m STARVING by then so I throw a ribeye steak in my cast iron skillet and grill it with purple onions and garlic. I serve it over kale. I don’t get enormously hungry for dinner so I usually bake a small fillet of fish (I love sea bass). That’s it! I get so many requests on what I eat so I may make this a weekly deal to help y’all with your #ketodiet ♥ keep me updated on your progress, it makes me happy to hear your wins! Oh and can we just talk about my abs peeping through? 🤗 #beforeandafterweightloss #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle #sober #bodypositive #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fitmom #healthylifestyle #keto #ketotransformation #beforeandafter

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