Þessar myndir komast ekki í brúðkaupsalbúmið

Það eru örugglega flestar brúðir staðráðnar í því að vera eins fágaðar og glæsilegar og hugsast getur á brúðkaupsdaginn sinn. Stundum er það bara einfaldlega ekki hægt.
Cobra.rose.up solved the age old problem of how to go to the toilet in a voluminous dress by sitting backwards and she made sure to get a picture so she could share the tip 

Luckily Kimbojankins had her friends on hand to hold her hair back at the end of the night 

Kimbojankins hafði sem betur fer vini sína til að halda hárinu hennar frá meðan hún kastaði upp í lok kvöldsins.

This bride wasn't shy about getting stuck into the booze, happily swigging bubbly directly out of the bottle

Þessi ákvað að fá sér bara kampavínið beint úr flöskunni.

This happy bride said she wasn't even ashamed when she conked out on the sofa at the end of the best day of her life 

Þessi hamingjusama brúður sagðist ekki skammast sín fyrir að detta út í sófanum í lok besta dags lífs síns.

This bride forgot her sense of decorum while tasting the cupcakes in the dessert buffet 

You know it's been a good day when you end up sitting on the floor at the end, enjoying a midnight snack 

 One bride kept the hunger pangs at bay by  stopping off at Burger King on the way home
Hún varð bara að fá sér einn Burger King á leiðinni heim

Getting married can be thirsty work and who has time to pour champagne into a glass? 

„Drekktu ástin mín, drekktu“

Mrspanama looked back fondly on a photo of herself slumped on the floor at the end of the night as a friend dangled an ice bucket in front of her - just in case

Another bride was happy to be snapped tucking enthusiastically into a large slice of pizza