Breytti flúrinu sem tileinkað var Amber Heard

Actor Johnny Depp arrives solo at Disney's 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' Los Angeles premiere on May 23, 2016 at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, United States

Pictured: Johnny Depp Ref: SPL1290218 230516
Picture by: Splash News

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Johnny Depp (53) hefur breytt húðflúri sínu, sem áður hafði rómantíska merkingu, í ákveðna yfirlýsingu. Hann hefur staðið í deilum við Amber Heard upp á síðkastið en Amber hefur sakað hann um að beita sig bæði líkamlegu og andlegu ofbeldi, en þau hafa verið gift í 15 mánuði.

Johnny kom fram ásamt hljómsveit sinni, Hollywood Vampires, í Bethlehem í Pennsylvania 1. júlí. Blaðaljósmyndarar tóku á móti þeim félögum og tóku menn eftir því að það var búið að breyta húðflúrinu á annari hönd Johnny. Hann fékk sér húðflúr, eftir brúðkaup hans og Amber, sem sagði „Slim“ en það er gælunafn Amber.

Exclusive... 52110128 Troubled actor Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampire bandmate Joe Perry are seen arriving for their concert at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 1st, 2016. Johnny was all smiles despite the drama surrounding his pending divorce from Amber Heard.  When the actor waved, he showed off his adjustment to his tattoo.  Once reading 'slim' in light of a nickname for Amber Heard, he has changed it to say "scum" by altering the "L" into a "C" and the "I" into a "U". Troubled actor Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampire bandmate Joe Perry are seen arriving for their concert at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 1st, 2016. Johnny was all smiles despite the drama surrounding his pending divorce from Amber Heard. When the actor waved, he showed off his adjustment to his tattoo. Once reading 'slim' in light of a nickname for Amber Heard, he has changed it to say "scum" by altering the "L" into a "C" and the "I" into a "U". FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876

Johnny  hefur nú látið breyta flúrinu örlítið svo það stendur ekki lengur „Slim“ heldur „Scum“, sem mætti kannski þýða sem úrhrak.

Exclusive... 52110128 Troubled actor Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampire bandmate Joe Perry are seen arriving for their concert at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 1st, 2016. Johnny was all smiles despite the drama surrounding his pending divorce from Amber Heard.  When the actor waved, he showed off his adjustment to his tattoo.  Once reading 'slim' in light of a nickname for Amber Heard, he has changed it to say "scum" by altering the "L" into a "C" and the "I" into a "U". Troubled actor Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampire bandmate Joe Perry are seen arriving for their concert at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 1st, 2016. Johnny was all smiles despite the drama surrounding his pending divorce from Amber Heard. When the actor waved, he showed off his adjustment to his tattoo. Once reading 'slim' in light of a nickname for Amber Heard, he has changed it to say "scum" by altering the "L" into a "C" and the "I" into a "U". FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876

Hann hefur ekki gefið frá sér neina yfirlýsingu varðandi ásakanir Amber á hendur honum, en margir af hans nánustu hafa lýst því yfir að Johnny sé langt frá því að vera ofbeldishneigður maður. Það má samt segja að hann sé að lýsa einhverju yfir með þessu.

Exclusive... 52110005 Troubled actor Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampire bandmate Joe Perry are seen arriving  for their concert at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 1st, 2016. Johnny was all smiles despite the drama surrounding his pending divorce from Amber Heard. FameFlynet, Inc - Beverly Hills, CA, USA - +1 (310) 505-9876