Alondra Sierra ákvað að leyfa fylgjendum sínum, á TikTok, að fylgjast með baráttu sinni við krabbamein.
Í nýlegri færslu sagði Alondra frá því að 1 ár væri síðan hún hefði farið seinast í aðgerð til uppbyggingar eftir húðkrabbamein.
@alondra_sierrat AMEN! 🙏🏻 Today marks 1 Year since my last skin cancer reconstruction surgery. 🤍 Thank you God for giving me the strength to keep going. Beyond grateful with how far I’ve come. @Alondra Sierra Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. Melanoma occurs when the pigment-producing cells that give color to the skin become cancerous. It can grow and spread very rapidly, immediate attention should be given to avoid it reaching an organ or from spreading any further. It can be diagnosed to any age, gender, or skin type. And unfortunately those that have or had been diagnosed with Melanoma/Skin cancer have a high possibility of getting it again. Melanoma & Skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to sun & ultraviolet (UV) rays. To lower your risk of getting skin cancer, you can protect your skin from UV rays, sun exposure, lasers, and from artificial light sources like tanning beds, nail lamps, and sunlamps. P.S. Melanoma & Skin cancer does Not Discriminate! Please, do your yearly skin & nail check with a medical professional. Dermatologist recommended to wear SPF daily (re-apply every 2 hours) and protect our skin from too much sun/UV exposure and artificiallight sources. 🤕☀️🧴 A recommendation from my dermatologist, the most recognized as safe and effective sunblock that is best for all skin types by the FDA is any Mineral SPF that contains Zinc and Titanium Dioxide.🧴 #AHintOfAlo #mineralspf #sunexposure #melanomaskincancer #sundamage #skincancersurvivor #melanomasurvivor #melanomaawarenessmonth #melanomamonday #powerofprayer #melanomaandskincancerawarenessmonth #melanomaawareness #cancerfree #melanomaresearchalliance #tissueexpanders #godisgood #cancerreconstructivesurgery #scalpflapreconstructionsurgery #cancersucks #remission #faith #scalptissueexpanders #wearspf #medicalpurposes #cancerprevention #healthawareness #healthwellness #headtissueexpansion #melanoma #skincancer #houstontx #monterrey #newmexico #ruidoso #reapplyspf #ruidosonewmexico #skiapache #snow #christmas #cancersurvivor #regia #melanomasupport #larocheposay #larocheposaysunscreen #god #cancerreconstructivesurgery #scalpreconstruction #houston #univision #foxnews #telemundo #scalpreconstructionsurgery #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cancerdepiel #fe #dios #bendecida #havefaith #prayer #oracion #diosesbueno #libredecancer #educationalpurposes #educationalvideo
♬ what was I made for? - Instrumental - Wheeler
Í myndatexta sínum tjáði Alondra hversu þakklát hún væri: „Þakka þér Guð fyrir að gefa mér styrk til að halda áfram. Ég er endalaust þakklát fyrir hversu langt ég hef náð.”
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