Öll eigum við okkar fortíð og auðvitað eiga stjörnurnar í Hollywood líka sína fortíð. Þetta myndband var tekið á 9. áratugnum þegar Franklin Meyer, fíkniefnasali Angelina, hafði komið með sendingu af heróíni og kókaíni til hennar.
Franklin tók þetta myndband, án þess að Angelina vissi og er hún að tala við föður sinn Jon Voight.
„The thing is is, you know, it’s that idea trying to get a house or a room for everybody,” she says. “It’s not, it’s just not necessary. You know but it’s, you know it’s, whatever that house… I said once, well, what if I stop working? She’s like, telling me to relax, you know. But to, you know, I said what if I don’t work for you, what if I don’t make that much money? And you stay in an apartment until I make more money so that you can get a bigger house. What if something happens to me?“
Angelina heldur svo áfram:
„You know, I don’t want this to ruin our relationship. And I don’t want it to be this thing where, you know, we go out to do something or to dinner or go shopping and you know, or her coming out to visit, and not buying something for herself. And I said to her, you know…we have to remind ourselves sometimes when we come to your place we talk about, you know, this concept…we’re all in this place, and it’s very hard for us to think about getting a house or these cars…when you have no new clothes, or that you have holes …“
Það er greinilegt að þetta hefur verið erfiður tími fyrir Angelina en hún hefur sjálf sagt í fjölmiðlum: „Ég gekk í gegnum erfiða tíma og ég lifði það af. Svo ég er mjög heppin.“